It should do, but they only work from absolutely stone cold - I've spent a LOT of time over the decades deguassing CRT sets
As far as I'm aware all colour sets had deguassing coils/circuits, although in later years there was some talk of stopping fitting them.
One of my memorable stories was a lady who kept complaining about 'funny colours' on her TV, it was a GEC valve set, and every time we went out we turned the set on, and it was perfect. Anyhow, one day we were driving past (and had a quiet moment), so thought we'd just pop in and see how she was doing. This was when it all got explained - catching her un-awares stopped her clearing everything away from the TV (to give us room), and right next to the TV was a huge great loudspeaker. Every time she called us out she moved it out of the way, and set deguassed itself when it came on