Make a 12v pulse at 50hz

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New Member
Hello, Iam very new with electronics. I am looking for some information for my project. I need help designing a circuit so I can have a company build me some circuit boards.

Here is what iam trying to do.

I have a micro piston pump that I am trying to drive. The pump requires a 12 v dc signal that pulses at 50 hz.

The source of power is from my a snowmobile that puts out 12v dc.

What is the best way to build this circuit to be protected against, some voltage spikes, also the circuit will be soldered directly to the pump and seal into a potting box. So the components need to be able to handle this also. Temps may range from -100 to +120 degrees F. The pump consumes 18w.

Also some referrence for a company that can build this would be great.

Any information will be greatly apprieciated.

Maybe a 555 in an astable multivibrator config driving an NPN power transistor to generate a 12 VDC square wave?
You have to state how long the pulse needs to be HIGH during the 20mS you have for each cycle. Is it "10mS HIGH" then "10mS LOW" for 50% duty cycle or some other duty cycle.
You also have to state how much current you need to deliver during this pulse.
Your snowmobile battery is going to be working at -100°F?

Was just giving rough fiqures, Personally I would never go out in that kind of weather, but these will be used world wide so I wanted to have a wide range of temperatures.
And what would you be pumping at that temperature? I think when you get to those extremes, you have to be very realistic about what's going to cover 99% of the operating environments. Ever operating at -100°F would be probably cover less than 1/100th of 1% of its use...unless you can elaborate on what it is you are really trying to accomplish. Components with that operating temp range are also going to be hard to find.

So, what is your system supposed to do?


The system is going to be used to pump oil.
OK, as someone already asked, you want 50 Hz. That means you have a pulse repetition time of 20 mSec or .020 seconds. Now if you want a symmetrical square wave it would be a 50% duty cycle so your pulse is on for 10 mS and off for 10 mS. Is that what you want? You could have the pulse on for 5 mS and off for 15 mS, you could have the pulse on for 15 mS and off for 5 mS. Those are all 50 Hz.

A simple circuit using a 555 timer configured as an astable multivibrator would likely work driving a MOSFET to drive the pump which requires about 1.5 Amps (18 Watts @ 12 Volts). That would be few components and economical.

Just looking for advice to learn more about it.
You've got the "idea" for a product and "plans" for a product but you need advice on the best way to learn what you need to know to "design" the product?

Forgive me for the misunderstanding.
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The pump consumes 18w
Do you mean the pump consumes 18W or do you mean the pump takes 1.5A. There can be a big difference.
We really have to know what type of actuator and we need to know the timing.
It's no good drip feeding a request and expecting a reply.
I belong to the Inventors association and they all have the same attitude. "They all think someone else is going to steal their invention - mainly becuae they stole the idea in the first place.
They think everyone else is like them.
They keep asking for assistance in meetings and only provide a very poor picture.
We have absolutely no idea what you are doing and if the micro pump requires a varying input, a cut-off, a feedback, a temperature or pressure sensor.
That's why Dick Smith in Australia had a BIG sign behind his desk that read "NO."
You are not going to pump oil at any where near -100°F. There are a lot of really smart and helpful people here, but it's really hard to give good advice with seemingly impossible spec's. Maybe you can be a lot more forthcoming in what you're trying to do.


Ok this is starting to make sense, I did some more research and need the pump to run around 30-40 hz now.
How do you change the hz in the circuit?
And yes I want it to run at a 50% duty cycle.

Thanks alot for everyones help.
You can use this calculator to determine what component values you need for any frequency/pulse width: **broken link removed**

You just need a flasher circuit to drive the solenoid.
Remove the LED and place the pump in place of the 22R. You will have to adjust the value of the components to get 40Hz and 10mS duration.
A better design would be to use NPN driver. This can be organised.
**broken link removed**
Ok, I was there once, not enuf knowledge to pick the approach.

If the OP can point me to a supplier of the 12V solenoid Valve, I'll see if I can buy one and rustle up a custom functioning driver, either via analog oscillators or under MCU control. Whichever is more cost effective for the function.

I do have a requirement in a couple of months to develop a 'quietish' small vacuum pump system so I mite be able to research that as well with the device.
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