make a pan and tilt cam with servo+MC

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New Member
hii all ...

right now im on progress to make a pan an tilt webcamera with servo and controlled by PC ( browser ), but somehow i get in to trouble rite now =( , im using MC already bought the component..
what kind of downloader can i use?
anybody have the schem?
anybody can help me..???


thx for your reply... ^^

PIC is quite interesting, but somehow i still want to create it with 8051 , hehehe.....

anyone can help me?
i want to make a pan and tilt camera using motor servo and micro At89S52,
I want to connect the Servo motor through a Microcontroller to PC

yes ive start it, but rite now ive a problem with the interface...
do you have any idea?
HydDan said:
i want to make a pan and tilt camera using motor servo and micro At89S52,
I want to connect the Servo motor through a Microcontroller to PC

yes ive start it, but rite now ive a problem with the interface...
do you have any idea?

Interface between what and what?, from micro-controller to servo is a piece of wire, and from micro-controller to PC a MAX232 (or similar).
Nigel Goodwin said:
Interface between what and what?, from micro-controller to servo is a piece of wire, and from micro-controller to PC a MAX232 (or similar).

what i mean is.. the circuit beside ISP flash downloader that help to motion..
By downloader, do you mean a programmer for your microcontroller?
If that is what you are after, just google search "Atmel Programmer" and you'll get a tonne of information.
I've read that those programmers are fairly easy to build (apparently the Atmels require less components for programmers... but correct me if I am wrong).
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HarveyH42 said:
I used Nigel's Pic tutorials a lot for the first month or so, and I've never used a Pic (no interest either ).

Feel free most of the tutorials are applicable to any micro-controller, but obviously require different code.
The hardware portion can be used on most any controller. Even the software side had some helpful information. Just wanted to point out that you can get some insight from other chips. You can't expect to find what you want for a specific chip or language, but you can get the general idea from similar projects, regardless.

I've been wanting to do a pan/tilt project for a while, but it's a little beyond my assembler skills still, but getting there. Just started with a free version of a BASIC compiler. Took a while to figure out how to get a simple LED flash program to the chip, but got it eventually. Hoping it will take care of most of the timing details that have been giving me trouble.

Back to the thread...
Do you have the mechanical portion worked out? I sketched out an idea using some PVC pipe I have littering my yard. Was a little concerned about weight at the time, but I was going to use stepper motors back then. After playing with some servos, found they are surprisingly strong for the size. I could probably still use the pipe I have, but servos could reduce size to less than half. PVC is cheap, so will probably redo the design. Mine are intended for outdoors, so need to keep water out. Another bonus of servos, they are pretty well sealed, though probably not waterproof or submersable.

Keep us up to date, post some pictures. I'll do the same when I get started on mine. Have to get a better handle on BASIC first, its been a while.

You really need to have a play making radio controlled models, it's amazing how powerful the servo's are and what ingenious modellers (not me!) can do with them. You can also buy larger more powerful servos, for bigger models, they obviously cost more - but their ease of use, high performance, and relatively low price, take a lot of beating.
Heh, funny you should say that. The model airplanes community tries to find the smallest servos possible (generalization, of course)-- while we here at Electro-Tech try to find the most powerful, heaviest and biggest!

Harvey-- just because I have this project started (and almost done)-- I'll let you know that once you get a bit proficient with BASIC, the code for the pan / tilt system will be a piece of cake.

I don't use assembler (to maintain sanity), but found that Great Cow Basic (BASIC compiler) was easy to pick up and powerful enough for most anything I have wanted to do so far.

My pan and tilt servo setup will be used to monitor my room from a USB webcam (room automation project). I made a simple command-line program that sends different binary values to parallel port (which has PIC connected to it)-- once the signal is received, it does a bit of calculating and starts outputting a pulse width to the MCU pins (ones with servos connected). All I have to do is load up that command line program through PHP and voila! Web-based pan and tilt!

Anddd! Back on topic .
I just started BASCOM AVR. Want to get a few simpler things done with it first. Took me a few tries to get a flashing LED program to work on the Tiny13. Simple mistakes, mostly it seems that I needed to save the program, before compiling it. Guess that makes sense for larger projects, just isn't optional. Missed a few check boxes too, guess I should get in the habit of arleast browsing through the documentation...

I've got a manual zoom lens I'd like to motorize, perhaps another servo...
can somebody help me about the source code for micro AT89s52, which function is to send pulse signal to servo from data from serial port

anybody help me?
thx b4
I use AVR the Tiny series mostly, but I did see a serial servo project recently. I don't remember where or which processor, or even the language. I was looking for servo stuff, just wasn't something I could use.

Anyway, I got my panning and the programming is done. I haven't hooked up the motion sensors yet (keep forgetting to grab the data sheet when I'm online). Been trying to figure a way to run the airsoft motor with parts I have on hand, but doesn't look too good. Everything runs off 5 volts, but the motor needs about 2 amps at max (nearly stalled). Imagine shipping is a little slow during the holidays, but it's either order a mosfet, or go with a higher voltage supply. Everything was coming together nicely for a 6 volt solar power project...

Anyway, will save the link if I see it again. Search for 'avr servo' should show up.
student working on a similiar project for finals


im working on a similiar project as this for my final year engineering project. i am aware these posts are over a year old but thought i would try my luck as i cant find any other projects that seem to deal with the same idea.

my idea uses motion tracking software that recognises faces at the moment (am working on it to recognise other objects). designed in xcode for mac (c++).

the project is to use a servo system for pan and tilt mechanisms that is connected to a pic or similiar microcontroller. this is then programmed to provide comms between the rig and a laptop running the software developed.

if you know of any links to strong servo manufacturers or anything else that might help that would be amazing.

when the motion tracking software recognises an object a circle is displayed which follows that object around the screen. i need this software to communicate with the rig and then tell it to move with regards to where the object is in the picture.

thanks for anyhelp if you have any questions i will try and answer them to the best of my ability but programming is not a strong point.
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