Hi, Thanks for the reply but this is over my head, we can operate on either 12 VAC or VDC , can you explain the circuit? and part numbers we could use, I’ll turn it over to someone more familiar with Electronics then me.
The board is Arduino Nano
The SSR or relay you pick according to your load requirements, and must have a 5V control input to
turn relay on/off.
The software, if you want to modify it, is mBlock. The project is attached in prior post.
You need a pot, say 5K or 1`0K, for creating the variable delay time requirement.
You need a pullup resistor for button, use 4.7K 1/2W
If you want to limit range of delay capability from 0 - 1023 secs to say 0 - 255 secs, then
connect a 15K R in series with pot to Vdd (for pot 5K) or a 30K R in case you chosse 10K
pot. 1/2 W
If you have 12V you need 5V to run Arduino Nano board. A 5V 3 terminal regulator needed.
Note delay times are quite accurate and do not change appreciably with temperature.
Thats it.
If you do not want to use Nano board you can use ATTINY85 in its place. Programming it
a tad more involved than the Nano board which programs directly from USB and mBlock.
You would still use mBlock but would need an Arduino board to do the programming of
the part.
Regards, Dana.