Making a Bluetooth Tag

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New Member
Hello everyone.This is my first post,so be gentle
Anyway i am a programmer mainly and i have only very little experience with electronics,i just know the basics.I am developing a bluetooth application and i need to have a bluetooth device which can be discovered/scanned. Until now i was using my mobile phone since i cant find any bluetooth tags.
I have searched the internet for bluetooth module and i have to say that i found a lot.The only thing is that i dont know which one is for me.
I just want to have a bluetooth module that only can be discovered,nothing more or less.No connections with a PC,no AT commands.
So any products from here
SparkFun Electronics - Bluetooth
or here
will do the job.
Can i buy one,weld a power source(according to the datasheets) and work out of the box?Then perform a scan with my USB BT dongle and found it?
Sorry if the whole post sounds silly or newbie,but i had to ask somewhere eventually.
Thank you.
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