Making a gadget drunk proof

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New Member

In advance I would like to thank you guys for any help you can provide.

Here is the basics of what I am trying to accomplish. I am revamping my current toilet paper dispenser. It was a basic DC motor mounted behind the toilet with a rope attatched to it that ran through two pullies. On the other side of the rope was a roll of TP that when you press the switch it would drop down in front of you and when you were dont you flip the switch the other direction to pull it back up. Now for the problem. Because limit switches were never built in drunk ppl would leave the switch in the up position instead of the nuetral and burn up my motor. I have as of now removed the vent fan above my toilet so that i can mount a new TP dispenser in the ceiling with a door that opens. I am looking for some easy, drunk proof, reliable methods of controlling the motor. I am fairly new to electronics so I would prefer to not get into something too complicated. I would like a design almost like an elevator where you press the button and the thing comes down and you press it again and it goes up. Thanks for any creative ideas.
Well what can I say?

I can't help but think that there are some things which are best accomplished using good old manual handraulic methods.

Ropes, pulleys, switches and motors, just so I can wipe my arse?

Please excuse my cynicism.


Afterthought, if the guy (or gal) is drunk, how do you expect him to master this overcomplicated solution to a simple task?
No matter how "drunk proof" you make something, there will always be a better drunk.

I'm guessign the aim is not to have drunk people rip off the TP holder or flush the entire roll and clog up the crapper which does make some sense. Would need more technical info though(Voltage how the mech works exactly etc.)

You could solve this with an EOS switch and a couple of 5v relays. When the tp reaches the height you want it to, the EOS gets activated, breaking the circuit, and switches the button over to the reverse version of the same circuit so the next push of the button activates the motor in reverse until the second EOS switch is activated, again breakign the circuit and switching back to the downwards aimed circuit.
Seems the logical thing to do is provide the limit switches that were missing from the original design (see attachment)


  • MotorLimit.jpg
    28.5 KB · Views: 148
What happens if the power goes out, and someone needs to use the toilet? No paper? How obvious is the switch to raise and lower the roll? Would a drunk resort to using the hand towels or bath towels, after finishing the task, and realizing there is no toilet paper in sight? How often do drunks waste the whole roll of toilet paper anyway, that you need to hide it away, out of reach?

Wouldn't sort of a metered/vending machine approach be better? Who cares how much paper the drunk uses, as long as he/she/other pays for it.

Ever have a drunk leave the paper in a down position?

Fortunately, the only paper problem I ever had, was with my Lab puppy, who really loved the stuff. Had to remember to close the bathroom door, every time I left the house. He eventually decided he liked sleeping in the bathtub better than eating rolls of toilet paper, and no longer messes with it. Just wish he'd quit drinking out of the bowl though, leaves the seat wet...
You could just use monetary contact switches. That way they cant stay on by themselves.
Ever heard of this thing called tape?
Think drunk people haven't?

There is no solution you could come up with that would be proof of anything, other than how you designed it, and you can be sure the first thing that ANYONE that uses it will have in mind is to find something it shouldn't be able to do that you don't want them to do =) You can never outsmart stupid.
Do not forget the tesing to qualify your design...

How many drunk people would you need to test it?

Are you in that list?

Are you hiring now? Free in two months time. Give me a call and send the bottles.
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