Making a hardware Bluetooth host? (instead of using CPU)

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New Member
I was wondering if anyone on here knew anything about making a hardware Bluetooth host. I'm sure that I am not using the correct terminology, so let me explain.

Right now I have Bluetooth on my computer and it allows me to connect various things like my keyboard and mouse. Let's say I want to make a piece of hardware that uses a Bluetooth module to connect to my Bluetooth keyboard and mouse, leaving the computer completely out of the picture. Does anyone have experience doing that? Even the correct terminology would be helpful.

This is mainly a question out of curiosity. I don't have any plans for making such a device, just curious about the complexity of it.

Thank You!
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You will have a hard time finding even bluetooth modules. And even with one it wont be easy one bit to establish a connection and communicate trough it. Its a quite advanced MCU project
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