Making an IR sensor

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How fast is the system going to operate?

Danes know all about electronics
i made a Sumo robot last semester and i used IR sensors too....some people made line followers...and they find this page very interesting

its from a guy named David Cook. It helps me a lot....and i read something like a robot named Jet, the ultra-fast line-following robot.Maybe you could check it out.

Good Luck
thanks for the suggestion.

i had already visited the site and impressed by his jet the fastest line following robot.i want to use small ir sensors but those like are not available to me.Can you help me in this regard.???? :?:
Dont available for you? what do you mean? You can always order the part throught the internet. And something else, did you notice that jet (the robot) uses a HC08 microcontroler (by motorola). This is something you should think about. Use a PIC or a HC08 to control the robot
The speed of the sensors is pretty irrelevant!, the electronics will be so much faster than the motors and mechanical movement it's of no importance whatsoever.
Nigel is completlely right...You must be thinking of what kind of motors to use in your robots. It depens on you speed or torque requirements. Although, i recommend you to use DC motors.

Most of the control signals comes from the microcontroller (PIC or motorola), and those signals usually sets the velocity of your IR sensor. Well, at least i designed that way las semester and works pretty fine.

I designed my sumo robot taking as a example David Cook´s bug-o-nator (or something like that) robot. His page is really fantastic and helpfull

thanks you for replying

i am using electronic parts ie h bridge driver instead of mechanical relays.hence there speed is quite fast.i am having An ir sensor (panasonic made) and want to use it.i design the circuit but not includes 555 multivibrator for ir led and bc 557 driver for me in this regard?
As i remember....there is something about the frequencies if both, emitter and receiver, must be in the same range, in order to work.

Another thing is that, IR sensor are very hard to set. I use a IR sensor to detect the lines (im not remember the part code), but it doesnt need any 555 os so, i control it by the microcontroller. Well, i need it, but i managed to create the signal from the micro, but i clearly remember that i need a circuit to amplify the signal from the receiver in order to manage it as a TTL signal. As i said before, maybe you should visit david cook's page, it says a lot about IR sensor and things like that.

best regards,
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