akg said:
...but will chopped DC will again accelerate it?
I have no idea. As I said, anecdotal evidence was given on keelynet, and I haven't tried this myself. I guess from a theorectical point of view, some form or resonance could be used, I'm pretty sure the bond between hydrogen-oxygen atoms would require large frequencies, probably in the IR spectrum, although, its a very strong bond so it'll be shorter than say, a carbon-hydrogen.
But, the 'hydrogen bond' (a surprisingly strong bond, which is why water is a liquid, when it should be a gas at room temp) which holds molecules together (van de vall forces?) would be much longer, due to its elasticity maybe a standing wave would rip them apart better, giving steam, which is split into h2 and o2 a bit easier. The frequencies given mean nothing to me, just saying what others have said.
All the above is pure speculation, and random idea's. Please don't take it to heart, its probably a waste of text, but it seems no-one has ever tried experimenting with it. And I'm sure one could boost the efficiency of electrolysis of water, but it will never be >100% obviously, which is why hydrogen cars are worse than petrol engines.
My two pence,