Making music from Microcontroller

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New Member
Hi I am using PIC18F micro and interested in making music from Microcontroller.

This idea used as a stepping stone to my project : Engine Sound for Electric R/C Car.

I have watched the YouTube video of a programmer from here I share some:

Basically I just realized that piezo can be used for practice but I don't really get the idea how this thing works or made?


I have found this:

Is it correct, if I generate a square wave say PWM type at certain frequency, it will give out tone exactly like those stated in the website?

What would be the PROGRAMMING TIPS and TRICK in doing so?

Any help would be appreciated!! Thanks!!
This sounds very fimilar. Did you ask the same question in an earlier thread. Why start over here ? What is different then last time you asked ?
Hi I am using PIC18F micro and interested in making music from Microcontroller.
If you google a bit you'll a few PIC synth and MIDI type projects. Here's one in particular that interests me. I have all the parts and have laid it out partly on a proto board. Just haven't gotten around to assembly yet.
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