As Diver says, if they are charged to the same voltage, the actual battery assembly will not be a problem.
However in use, the overall capacity will be limited by the capacity of the lowest parallel set, plus the balance current and charge time will be much greater if there are any faulty cells in the overall assembly.
Any cells that have been left flat, below 3V while stored, are likely to be wrecked and should not be re-used.
It will save later time and trouble if you measure each cell capacity and internal resistance first, discard any that are significantly lower capacity or higher resistance than they should be, and build each parallel set with closely matched total capacity.
Something like an Opus 3100 charger can do cell capacity and internal resistance tests.
And note that you must always use a balance charge system and regulated charger, not just a "battery protection" module that switches off with under or over voltage.