dear all Repairing Electronics experts Forum Member good evening,
i required your experts opinion about attached picture of electronic board, In which you can see the Mark i want to know that, why this Mark has come and what is the reason and repairing tips for it. Please zoom the picture and see around trarco power supply, please guide me.
If you soldered it by yourself, those are probably just traces which your solder left behind and you can / should clean the pcb/s after you solder on them with isopropanol alcohol and a toothbrush which you wont use anymore. But sometimes glue turns into a dark color after years and becomes conductive. Although the left one looks like corrosion. I would clean the board first of all.
Just flux residue, it should not have any effect. It's almost like a varnish or shellac.
If anything it may add slight protection rather than doing harm; it just looks a bit messy.
You should be able to remove it using isopropyl alcohol if you wish, as "SimpleGuy" says.
It looks like someone who applied the adhesive cord restraint tipped-off the small amount of adhesive left on the applicator by smearing it on the empty part of the board that you circled.