mask project

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New Member
I am working on a series of masks that involve Fischer/Price toys, each of which has a native board with LEDs/sounds. I want to wire these to a single power source. The circuits use a variety of power inputs from 2.4v to 6v. I have used a 7812 to regulate a perf board rail. Trimmer pots regulate power from the rail. These ideas came from web resources. I have very limited understanding of electronics.
I am puzzled about how to set up a series of pots. The first is 8v for a 386 op amplifier circuit. No problem. My question concerns the second pot. Does the series have to proceed from highest to lowest voltage with the output of each pot providing power for the next with a connection in between that powers the toy board? Sorry, I am ignorant of technical terms that would better describe the problem. Would certainly appreciate help. Thanks.
Don't use a series resistance to try and regulate voltage. Hook up a separate LM317 regulator circuit for each specific voltage you need. Drive them all off the same supply ahead of the 7812.

An LM386 is an audio amp, not an opamp, and it can work from 4V to 12V. Why did you pick 8V?
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