Is there a math formula to calculate the correct size of a DC power supply capacitor?
Or is it easier to keep making the capacitor larger until AC ripple is gone?
What is best circuit drawing some have capacitors only & some have a choke coil too?
I read bleeder resistor should put 10% load on the power supply? This seems like a lot of wasted power.
I usually use my AC volt meter to check AC ripple on a DC power supply if 20 DC checks 1 volt AC I know it needs more capacitors. I know this needs to be tested under full load.
What is the load that needs "ripple that is gone"?
A half decent audio amplifier (LM3886) has a Power Supply Rejection Ratio of 120dB so the output hum is one millionth the supply ripple.
If I recall correctly, the ARRL Handbook covers DC supply topology and the values of filter caps needed. At least it did years ago. It's a pretty good general reference.
Is there a math formula to calculate the correct size of a DC power supply capacitor? Yes
Or is it easier to keep making the capacitor larger until AC ripple is gone? Ugh! No
I read bleeder resistor should put 10% load on the power supply? This seems like a lot of wasted power. It is. The value of the bleeder resistor would depend on how quickly you need to discharge the capacitors once the power supply is turned off.
Define "gone".
From a purely theoretical point of view, you will never remove all the ripple with a simple (inductor) capacitor smoothed PSU.
This is why most PSUs use electronic regulation of some kind.
Consider a simple 12v PSU which uses a 7812 regulator IC.
As long as the input voltage to the 7812 is above 14v, the output will be a nice smooth 12v DC with the noise and ripple attenuated to a very low level, regardless of how much ripple is on the input of the IC, as long as the troughs of the ripple do not go below 14v.
If you use a choke it's normally for valve amplifiers, where voltage is high and current is low - the choke is useful then because you can't get high value electrolytics for such high voltages, and they would be HUGE if you could. The opposite is true for high current low voltage, where you can get high value capacitors, and at a decent size - and the choke would be HUGE, VERY expensive (if you could find even one?), and massively heavy.
You need to specify EXACTLY what you're trying to do, and what you're trying to feed - it's unlikely that something requiring 75A is going to be concerned about a little ripple.
As far as bleed resistors go, why do you think you need one?, and what do you expect it to do? - and I've no idea where you got the idea you need 10% of the current.
I am using a 22 vdc power supply that I already have as a learning example and I want to build other projects.
I have a 70 watt per channel stereo amplifier project that needs to be finished. It needs duel input 24 vdc - 0 - 24 vdc. I have a transformer with center tap it will need 2 full wave rectifiers plus 2 pi filters to get duel 24 vdc.
I am using a 22 vdc power supply that I already have as a learning example and I want to build other projects.
I have a 70 watt per channel stereo amplifier project that needs to be finished. It needs duel input 24 vdc - 0 - 24 vdc. I have a transformer with center tap it will need 2 full wave rectifiers plus 2 pi filters to get duel 24 vdc.
The best, by far the best, theory and practical analysis on rectifier circuits, with both capacitor and inductor filtering is Otto Schade's "Analysis of Rectifier Operation" .
Googling it, one hit:
As I've said previously, they were mostly used in valve amplifiers, as you couldn't buy high value large electrolytics, which would have been huge anyway.
As I've said previously, they were mostly used in valve amplifiers, as you couldn't buy high value large electrolytics, which would have been huge anyway.