MAX232+COMPIM problem in Proteus simulation

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Hi all!

I'm trying to create a serial communication simulation on Proteus over RS232 with PIC18f6585, MAX232 and a COMPIM. I'm using Virtual serial port driver to connect the compim with Hyperterminal. What is happening is that before and after the MAX232 i recieve different things in the Virtual Terminal. I type in Hyperterminal and in VT1 the characters are OK, but in VT2 after the MAX232 there is a mess as you can see in the picture below. Also in Hyperterminal shows only what you see in the picture. Without the MAX232 the communication between the COMPIM and Hyperterminal is OK, receiving and transmitting - everything if fine in both directions.
The baudrate of the 2 Virtual Terminals and COMPIM are set to 2400, 8 bit, no parity, 1 stop bit.
In the picture you can see the schematic and the result...

Any suggestions will be useful


Problem solved!
I've put invertors on the Tx and Rx line of the MAX 232 and now everything works fine!


  • MAX232-COMPIM.jpg
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ya I am not using max232 and I am using Virtual Serial Port Driver 7.1 by elitma the problem is i am not getting the virtual port windows as
ykornx got . Can you help me with that ?

thank you
Com0com works exactly the same... Once you define a pair of ports you can use the COMP model to talk to hyperterminal... Or any other software for that matter..

The trick is to pair COM4 and COM5 ( When windows complains that they are in use.... just carry on ) Use COM4 in ISIS as it doesn't seem to work with numbers over 4..
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