i want to use rs232 from the pic (18f4685), but i am not sure of the pins for the pic on the max232 chip.so my question is does the TX pin from the PIC goto pin11 of the max232? and the RXpin of the PIC goto pin12 of the max232? also wich pins of the maxchip goto wich pins on a D9 connector for the serial port of the computer?
many many thank yous logan
(ps is for my robot project
i want to use rs232 from the pic (18f4685), but i am not sure of the pins for the pic on the max232 chip.so my question is does the TX pin from the PIC goto pin11 of the max232? and the RXpin of the PIC goto pin12 of the max232? also wich pins of the maxchip goto wich pins on a D9 connector for the serial port of the computer?
many many thank yous logan
(ps is for my robot project