may i ask some circuit ideas from you?

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New Member
hi im keith, im need some advice and help regarding my status right now.
im having a hard time thinking some project circuits that i will use for my school project. maybe a unique one. please, i really need your help. thank you very much..
Hello Keith, welcome to Electro Tech Online.
Could you please tell us what u have done so far
so that we may judge how difficult a project you
can cope with. What would you like to try and do?
Yeah, what he said. :lol: People always ask for ideas of some kind for projects. Mostly for school. And most of the time, the three things everyone needs to know, are, One: What do you have experience in and how much experience do you havein them? Two: What are you going for? Meaning, what kind of project are you looking for? Something with mechanics? Something with microcontrollers? Something having to do with PC interfacing? A simple project like an LED chaser 'cause you're just a beginner? Three: What's you budget?

But, one more thing in your case. What rules do you have?

Rain :wink:

P.S. Welcome to the forums. Everyone's nice here. Very little swearing. It's one of those forums. :wink:
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