maze solving robot

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I have completed my first line follower and I´m planning for my second project one maze solving robot. I have no idea, where to begin with it. I am interested in using microcontroller. Maybe someone can recommend me some links, where to get any info. :wink:
For your maze, you should have completely solid walls where no light passes through them what-so-ever. The higher the walls, the better. I think wood will do.

Next, you should get four CDS cells (a unit that changes resistance depending on brightness), one for all four directions.

Then get 4 super-bright LED's, (4000MCD brightness or higher) and I say LED's over lamps because they dont consume as much power.

Pair each cell with an LED. have the LED partially face the CDS cell. What you want to see happen is that when an LED and a CDS cell almost makes it to the wall, the light from the LED does not reach the CDS cell the same and therefore, tells the robot "this part is blocked off".

You need to have the maze simple without any intersections.
for a maze solving bot

for a maze solving bot you need a microcontroller with high RAM one i am working with for the same purpose is the PIC16F877.i think this will also help ur purpose.
I have seen these before. The ones that i've seen had ultrasonic sensors or even feelers that sensed the wall. When it go to the end of the wall, it turned right or left. But the ones I saw only turned one dirrection the entire time.
MrMikey83 said:
I have seen these before. The ones that i've seen had ultrasonic sensors or even feelers that sensed the wall. When it go to the end of the wall, it turned right or left. But the ones I saw only turned one dirrection the entire time.

There are various way of solving the maze (and lots of examples on the net), but the most simple way is to follow one of the walls - presumably that's what the ones you saw did?.
Yes, I think it was on TechTV and all the bots would make either all left turns or all right turns. When it reached a dead end it just turned around and kept going. These moved pretty fast too so they were through the maze in a matter of seconds.
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