Mdk 52v-0

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New Member
Hello all, I'm kind of new to your forums and I was wondering if annyone could help obtain a datasheet about the MDK 52V-0 LCD. I heard it was kind of old.

From what i can gather, scattered across the net, it is HD44780 compatible (standard character lcd)

Pin 1 = Vss Pin 2 = Vee Pin 3 = Vdd Pin 4 = RS Pin 5 = W/R Pin 6 = E Pin 7 = D0 Pin 8 = D1 Pin 9 = D2 Pin 10 = D3 Pin 11 = D4 Pin 12 = D5 Pin 13 = D6 Pin 14 = D7

google for HD44780 programming information.
Thx for the quick reply, I've noticed the HD44780 IC on it before and already dl'ed the datasheet and I'm pretty sure I got it hoocked up correctly, but I'm not sure off how much volt I need to connect it to.
Boscus said:
Thx for the quick reply, I've noticed the HD44780 IC on it before and already dl'ed the datasheet and I'm pretty sure I got it hoocked up correctly, but I'm not sure off how much volt I need to connect it to.

What are you connecting it to?, they work off 5V, but require initialisation in order to do anything - plus the contrast must be adjusted correctly.

Check my PIC tutorials for how to do it with a PIC, and for an example of how to connect it.
Thx allot, I'm currently programming the 8051 and the pic 16f84A and I was trying out this LED, I noticeced that the LED required an external source so i hoocked it up to a 0.7V (mass) and 5.7V (high pot), now I tried putting a simple silicium diode between these two pins to filter the 0.7V out and now the LED seems to work

Thx for your help.

btw luve your site
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