I need a device that should measure how many mm an object compress when a load is put onto it . Object size is approx 5*5*5 cm3 to 10*10*10 cm3 in size and the compression would be in ballpark 0.1 to 0.5 cm.
I’m thinking a a square metal plate with 4 rods . Placed in the corners. Object is placed on metal base plate and weights (thick metal parts with holes in corners so they can be held in place when put over rods. Somehow the distance should be measured between plates Vs load (number of weights on top plate ) . I haven’t found any good distance measuring devices for short distances. I’m also looking for a way to get signal into a computer in an easy way. Any tips of how to go about creating this device ? Other ideas of how to go about ? Thanks in advance / Andy
I need a device that should measure how many mm an object compress when a load is put onto it . Object size is approx 5*5*5 cm3 to 10*10*10 cm3 in size and the compression would be in ballpark 0.1 to 0.5 cm.
I’m thinking a a square metal plate with 4 rods . Placed in the corners. Object is placed on metal base plate and weights (thick metal parts with holes in corners so they can be held in place when put over rods. Somehow the distance should be measured between plates Vs load (number of weights on top plate ) . I haven’t found any good distance measuring devices for short distances. I’m also looking for a way to get signal into a computer in an easy way. Any tips of how to go about creating this device ? Other ideas of how to go about ? Thanks in advance / Andy