Mechanical Design

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New Member
Hi All ,

i'm building a robot , i think i have finished most of the electronical section and now i need to move to the mechanical one .

how you get help to design mechincal components , movemnets and mechanisms ?
Get a degree in mechanical engineering? You're going to have to be much more specific. But the simpler the better.
Designing is only the first half. Building them is the second half.

They go together actually. Wait till you make a part that you want in steel and you find that due to the shape it'd have to be milled out of a 3" thick solid brick of steel and you'd have to have 98% of the material removed. OK, time to redesign because of the whole "building" complication.
If you don't need zero degree turning radius, one of the best places to start looking is radio controlled hobby trucks and cars. They have some of the best (and most elaborate) engineered parts and mechanisms for the cheapest prices.
Can you provide a simple sketch of the robot you plan to build? Or at least some detail on what sort of robot? There are so many different kinds of robots, how can you expect any useful suggestions?

I just got a new $25 R/C toy, just for the purpose of taking apart, and turning it into a walking robot. It's an Nsect Nano, a walking bug. Two motors, six legs, and all the gears and crap already done for me. Should be easy to stuff an AVR, H-bridge, and IR sensors. Thing is fast on a flat surface, not bad on carpet.

Just curious... How can you do the electronics first, then design and build the mechanical. I think I smell smoke...
I guess you could if it was a handful of sensors and the control computer. And you might be able to do the motor drivers to if you have some idea of the motors on the robot and it's total size. We're probably talking about a computer bolted to a platform with wheels where things are easily transferrable.
Just seems like doing things backward. But he never gave any sort of details. It could be most anything, for any purpose. Really not sure what he is asking from the forum.
here is a robot of my robot , you can view it ..... this black body was for an old Hp printer ..... i installed the four wheels and 2 DC motors , now i have assembled all the circuits on the body , 2 H-bridge and 1 pic circuit board....3 ultrasonic sensor.

my robot task is normal naviagation and obstacle avoidence ..... light detection....., and some shows ......i have LCD on it and such visual devices like 7 segements.

i have a wireless camera too., now i need to design a cover for plastic body., and in that cover i need to built some mecahnisms.

as for the manufacturing i jhave no problem in this point ..... i have a a closed friend who have a very nice workshop and i can build what i need there .

look at the photo and tell your opinion

Note : this is an old photo before installing the PCBs and the other stuff


    116 KB · Views: 301
Looks really good, just make sure you replace those alligator clips with something more durable.
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