Mechanical Parts.

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New Member
Does anyone know some websites where I can buy very small mechanical parts? like Pulleys, gears, belts ..ect..

I tried,

I appreciate your help.

Thanks, Roboticsinfo, but I have already all these websites.

What I am looking for is some mechanical parts quite similar to the ones in toys . Something really small.

Ohh I see I will check my favorites and see if I could come across anything, and I will post the link up there.

Also one that might have it would be this website
not to sure.

**broken link removed**

I know the guy that owns this website
he is a very cool person,
he is in the J5 club just like me,
we talk.

similer domain name as this one

Making them Pike requires
on the dot measure ments and precise cutting.

You would need a mill at least to make gears and pullys and a lathe for the pully and elec.

I made a gear once and it took me 17 hours and it was still off
**broken link removed**
They have loads of great stuff ... gears, pulleys, bearings, fasteners, materials, tools, etc.

Which website was the most helpfull?

I got another one that has exactly what you are looking for want it?

Here it is
it maybe for educational but they have alot of gears and elec.

Also are you looking for metal or plastic gears?
Hi Guys - if anybody needs help with projects etc, there is a guy at who is very helpful. His e-mail is:

Just out of interest, I also asked him how he got to know Roboticinfo. (As you will see earlier in this thread - roboticinfo claims to know him very well. Here was his reply:

Well, I am a member of the J5 group:

However, I don't recognize the guys handle. He could be using a
different one in the J5 forum though.

So, I wouldn't say I knew him any more than I know you. We may have
conversed through email (like I am doing with you), or through the

However, he is correct, I am a very cool guy. haha.

I have a lot of sources. If you can tell me what you are looking for,
what project you are working on, I might be able to help. No promises.

We do help a lot of people that never buy anything from our website. We
are happy to do it. If you buy something that is cool, but not
for us to help you.



I donot use roboticinfo on all the forums I goto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I use names for other forums

there is only two forums that I use this name
here and electronics-lab

That is it

Next time
do a little more studying
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