medical eeg

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iam new in that feild
i design eeg circuit and i get shocked
i dont know how to isolate the source of power to protect me
I don't see where your power supply is split or grounded?
Why not use the app note in the AD620 datasheet?
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The more you repeat, the less chance anyone will help.

how to make a design for uaf42 active filter
You need considerably more maturity and practical experience before you attach any more electrodes to your (or anyone's) head.

It is not something that can safely be conveyed in a text format.
You need to learn how to use Google.
Here's how to use Google.

about repeating it was the computer hanged
and about the question ididnt put it with out searching but this filter need design not found in datasheet, it use a program
it supposed that i didnot get this good forum without learning google
so if you know the answer put it Thankfully
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