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New Member
Hi everybody, what else I could use instead of the MEGA8-AI microcontroller? Is any equivallent to that?
Also I am searhing for an equivallent to AD8541RJ .

Hi everybody, what else I could use instead of the MEGA8-AI microcontroller?

ATmega48, ATmega88, ATmega168, and ATmega328 are pin compatible with ATmega8.. if that is what you mean. If you replace an ATmega8 with one of those, you would have to re-write the firmware.
Thanks MisterT,
You are right I am searhing for pin compatible. The software is written in c, do I have to change it completely in case I use any other?
What about the AD8541RJ what I can use instead?
Thanks again
What about the AD8541RJ what I can use instead?Thanks again
That kind of depends on what you need it for, doesnt it. Anyway, why can´t you simply use the part specified? Note that you should search for AD8541, the RJ in the end is just some package type or something like that
Thanks MisterT,
The software is written in c, do I have to change it completely in case I use any other?

It depends on the software. If it is just a blinking LED you probably won't need to change anything. Just re-compile. If it is something more complicated you'll need to check that all the settings match with the new controller.
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