Merry Christmas Everybody

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I am be a little late, but Merry Christmas to all you folks on the Prime Meridian.

Tomorrow will be happy chaos for my 9 grandkids spread across our country.

Kids will be here in awhile.

Merry Christmas ETO.


Edit: And I don't have a hangover, this time.

Not sure about New Years ?
New years will be the time for me no fireworks shows for me this year or is that next year.

What ever year it will be, I'm headed over to the same house I got my last Hangover

I'll take the next year to think about how stupid I am.

Then do it again:O

Sending most of the day setting up accounts for all the new electronics.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone. If you dont celebrate, then Happy Holidays to you.

I feel a lot better this Christmas since the world ended on Dec 21st of this year
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