messy room

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Tell me about it!.

A number of years ago my boss ordered me to go and change a rental TV (on a well known rough council estate), the customer said they hadn't paid because the set was no good!. They had three big dogs (Alsatians), which were never allowed outside - the living room floor was covered in piles of dog droppings, with a small baby crawling through them!. Your feet stuck as you walked, very carefully, across the 'carpet'.

Unfortunately I had to change the mains plug on the new TV, but I managed to do this without breathing at all! - then grabbed the old TV and ran outside.

I put the TV in the van, and drove back to the shop with my head out of the window - because the old TV stunk as well.

Needless to say they didn't pay for the new TV either (as I'd already told my boss they wouldn't before I went), so i was told to go and fetch it back - I refused, and told him to go and do it himself!
Heh, I'm sure we could exchange a multitude of like minded stories Nigel. I was particularly unfortunate because the company I worked for sold their goods via a coin meter system. That basically means the business was targetted towards the rough end of the market. Not all the customers were filthy or rough of course, but it was often a daily occurance that you'd visit a disgusting house. There were a few REALLY bad ones and, like you, I only agreed to go there once

No matter how many disgusting houses I had the misfortune of visiting, it never ceased to amaze me how welcoming the customers were. There could be dog crap all over the carpet, spliff ends on the floor, last night's (or even last week's) stinking kebab in the sink, but they'd still invite you in as if there was nothing at all the matter.

"Cup of tea, love?"

Yeah right.


We had a number of slot rentals, but it wasn't a market we looked for.

I've been offered a cup of tea in a jam jar!
I've had my share of service calls to homes where my shoes partially clung to the soiled carpeting--- yeech! One visit I had to troubleshoot the antenna coax in a basement with a leaking sewer line!! Back upstairs in the living room a teen is sleeping on the couch with a live racoon walking on him!
Perhaps the oddest service call was to a wealthy physician's home. He had me wear slippers as I walked across large rooms of white carpeting. Being oriental, the home was decorated in that drab-looking, black enameled, oriental furnishings. He wanted me to adjust the TV preferences for best picture. OooK? Then he escorts me to his 5-car garage where I see a Mercedez, Cadillac, Jeep Grand Cherokee Chief, and a Porsche. He walks to a shelf, grabbing a $10 ConAir hair dryer and asks me to fix it. The heater coil is open and he really wants it fixed. Despite the obvious fact that he can afford to buy 10,000 new ones, he wants that goofy, pink hair dryer repaired and insists that I take it to the repair shop with me. I eventually talked some common sense into him. What a charachter!!
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