Michigan now has its own FIRST competition

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New Member
Michigan decided a few days ago to break off of FIRST and be it's own robotic competition. It is very interesting. We can go to other states' regional's but they cannot come here. We also have our own championship too. I have no clue whats going on but there is a lot of disputing going on right now.
Money, Money, Money.

what are some of the disputes over ?

Seems like a big enough town maybe it's about the money ? As always.

Yea it does seem like they shouldn't have any issues with doing this, I'd be interested in hearing the results of the Michigan competition though.
Why not become like the Minnesota Inventors Congress, and open up the competition to all? The welcome mat is more acceptable than a confrontation.
U do realize that u r responding to a year old+ thread? At first I got scared.... thinking Krummy was back!
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