micorstrip line

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New Member
Hi, dose anybody know where I can get some micorstrip line????? CAN'T FIND ANY TO BUY. i NEED 50 OHM.
Don't you need to go to a PCB manufacturer that can do it and get it made with the rest of the PCB?
Hi, dose anybody know where I can get some micorstrip line????? CAN'T FIND ANY TO BUY. i NEED 50 OHM.

Microstrip line is not a component that you can buy. It is a way of shaping the copper pattern on a circuit board to create a transmission line suitable for high frequencies. Those who use microstrip design their own on their circuit boards. If you must have microstrip, you will have to make your own pcb to get it. If this is out of the question, then you can use coaxial cable as an alternative for most basic purposes.
Hi, dose anybody know where I can get some micorstrip line????? CAN'T FIND ANY TO BUY. i NEED 50 OHM.

frosty , Radioron has told you much . You need to design this as traces on your PCB here is a link that coule help you;
**broken link removed**

frosty , Radioron has told you much . You need to design this as traces on your PCB here is a link that coule help you;
**broken link removed**

Microstrip is not coplanar. Microstrip is a trace over a ground plane. Google "microstrip". There are many calculators and sites with equations.
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Microstrip is not coplanar. Microstrip is a trace over a ground plane. Google "microstrip". There are many calculators and sites with equations.

Ofcourse , but its more lossy and show poor performance than CPW .

Cell phone Jammer in California? Don't you know those are illegal?


  • nono.gif
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The operation of transmitters designed to jam or block wireless communications is a violation of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended ("Act"). See 47 U.S.C. Sections 301, 302a, 333. The Act prohibits any person from willfully or maliciously interfering with the radio communications of any station licensed or authorized under the Act or operated by the U.S. government. 47 U.S.C. Section 333. The manufacture, importation, sale or offer for sale, including advertising, of devices designed to block or jam wireless transmissions is prohibited. 47 U.S.C. Section 302a(b). Parties in violation of these provisions may be subject to the penalties set out in 47 U.S.C. Sections 501-510. Fines for a first offense can range as high as $11,000 for each violation or imprisonment for up to one year, and the device used may also be seized and forfeited to the U.S. government.

FCC: Wireless Services: Cellular Services: Operations: Blocking & Jamming
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