Micro Based Calculator

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I am making a micro based calculator that uses these components:

micro phillips 89C668
7-segment decoder (74HCT4511)
4-digit common cathode 7-segment display
Inverting buffer (74HCT240)
decoder (AND & OR GATE)

I am making this as a university task. Well, I have connected all this using the data sheets of each component but, i don't know how they really work, how my calculator will work. I cant get help from my uni so I post here!
I searched on the net but i found minimal source to help me out.
I just want to know how this things will be connected and work... I also have to make the software but how I am going to make this soft if I don't know how this components work? (i am familiar with the programming language).

What I am asking is if anyone knows any link that I can find sources about this calculator and how it works. I know that the user will press a key on the keyboard that will be connected to the micro. Then the software stored in the micro will force some logic 0's or 1's to make 7-segment light up.
(notice: i tested my 7-segment display and works fine, all digits light up).

If anyone can help me out I will truly appreciate that.

Kostis Palamas
never said it is not MY university assignment. so I didn't ask anyone to come and wire up things or make me the assembly code for making it work. I just posted here if anyone can and want to explain me how this circuit will be working.
if you don't want to help me then ignore me, and this topic as well Mr. blueroomelectronics. I am just trying to learn what my lecturer should make me to learn. (He didn't) My target is to learn and pass my course not get someone to make my assignment.

Thanks for reading anyway.
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so nobody in this forum knows how a small project is working?!

Nobody is interested in doing a lazy students work for him - if you can't do it, then your teacher needs to know this, getting someone else to do the work for you helps no one.
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