Micro-controller with DTMF

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I can only code in 'C', so was looking for an off the shelf solution or pre-written code i guess?

- I could use an encoder / decoder device such as the CMX860 or the MT8889C and then add a PIC, but i was really looking for full intergration.

Cypress Semiconductor's PSoC controller has built in op amps that can be used to do DTMF. They have the cofiguration as one of their standard building blocks in their development software. The software configures the device and provides you with an API that can be used in C or Asssembly. The C compiler is $150. Assembly is free. You can download their development software for free and take a look.
i dont know if you will find a full integrated circuit
but i think you can use the :

5089 : coder

8870 :decoder

you can also visit :

**broken link removed**

i hope that i did help you :lol:

answer me if you find what you want
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