MicroC Code Problem in DC controller

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Hi, Can someone help me on the code push button. I'm doing the DC motor interface with PIC16f877A. I want the button to control all the movement (forward, reverse and stop). Current situation for my code,when I push the forward button, 2 motor will run forward and vice verse for the reverse button.

But I want is, when I keep pushing the forward button,the motor will move. and when i release the button .. the motor will stop.. so i dont need the stop button to control.

Thanks and here is the current code

    This source code is use to control the 2 motor movement by select
    the appropriate state button (Forward and Reverse).

//define motor1 ports
#define motor1a PORTD.F0
#define motor1b PORTD.F1

//define motor2 ports
#define motor2a PORTD.F2
#define motor2b PORTD.F3

//define controller 1 ports
#define switch_frwd PORTB.F1
#define switch_stop PORTB.F2
#define switch_rvs PORTB.F0

void main()
//set I/O port
   TRISB = 0XFF;
   TRISD = 0X00;
   CMCON=0X07; //      or CMCON register = 0X00000111
   ADCON1=0X07; //     Configure ADCON1, or ADCON1=0X06;

   switch_frwd = 0X00;   //set initial port = 0
   switch_frwd = 0X00;   //set initial port = 0
   switch_frwd = 0X00;   //set initial port = 0

while (1)
   if(switch_frwd == 1)    //If the switch is pressed
         motor1a  = 0;
         motor1b  = 1;    //Motor Forward
         Delay_ms(30); //1 Second Delay
   if (switch_rvs == 1)    //If the switch is pressed
         motor1a  = 1;
         motor1b  = 0;    //Motor Reverse
         Delay_ms(30); //1 Second Delay
   if (switch_stop == 1)    //If the switch is pressed
         motor1a  = 0;
         motor1b  = 0;    //Motor Stop
         Delay_ms(30); //1 Second Delay
   if(switch_frwd == 1)    //If the switch is pressed
         motor2a  = 0;
         motor2b  = 1;    //Motor Forward
         Delay_ms(30); //1 Second Delay
   if (switch_rvs == 1)    //If the switch is pressed
         motor2a  = 1;
         motor2b  = 0;    //Motor Reverse
         Delay_ms(30); //1 Second Delay
   if (switch_stop == 1)    //If the switch is pressed
         motor2a  = 0;
         motor2b  = 0;    //Motor Stop
         Delay_ms(30); //1 Second Delay
Just remove the two lines that say " if (switch_stop == 1) //If the switch is pressed"

    This source code is use to control the 2 motor movement by select
    the appropriate state button (Forward and Reverse).

//define motor1 ports
#define motor1a PORTD.F0
#define motor1b PORTD.F1

//define motor2 ports
#define motor2a PORTD.F2
#define motor2b PORTD.F3

//define controller 1 ports
#define switch_frwd PORTB.F1
#define switch_stop PORTB.F2
#define switch_rvs PORTB.F0

void main()
//set I/O port
   TRISB = 0XFF;
   TRISD = 0X00;
   CMCON=0X07; //      or CMCON register = 0X00000111
   ADCON1=0X07; //     Configure ADCON1, or ADCON1=0X06;

   switch_frwd = 0X00;   //set initial port = 0
   switch_frwd = 0X00;   //set initial port = 0
   switch_frwd = 0X00;   //set initial port = 0

while (1)
   if(switch_frwd == 1)    //If the switch is pressed
         motor1a  = 0;
         motor1b  = 1;    //Motor Forward
         Delay_ms(30); //1 Second Delay
   if (switch_rvs == 1)    //If the switch is pressed
         motor1a  = 1;
         motor1b  = 0;    //Motor Reverse
         Delay_ms(30); //1 Second Delay
         motor1a  = 0;
         motor1b  = 0;    //Motor Stop
         Delay_ms(30); //1 Second Delay

   if(switch_frwd == 1)    //If the switch is pressed
         motor2a  = 0;
         motor2b  = 1;    //Motor Forward
         Delay_ms(30); //1 Second Delay
   if (switch_rvs == 1)    //If the switch is pressed
         motor2a  = 1;
         motor2b  = 0;    //Motor Reverse
         Delay_ms(30); //1 Second Delay
         motor2a  = 0;
         motor2b  = 0;    //Motor Stop
         Delay_ms(30); //1 Second Delay
switch_frwd = 0X00; //set initial port = 0

Why Three times?

Learn how to use a state transition diagram as apart from a flow chart and your answer will drop out easily.

I know we all write code differently, but a switch statement would make it much easier to read.

At a quick look, have you catered for don't care states where both are pressed together.

Sorry, Im newbie in this field, it is a typing error. I wrote the new one.

    This source code is use to control the 2 motor movement by select
    the appropriate state button (Forward and Reverse).

//define motor1 ports
#define motor1a PORTD.F0
#define motor1b PORTD.F1

//define motor2 ports
#define motor2a PORTD.F2
#define motor2b PORTD.F3

//define controller 1 ports
#define switch_frwd PORTB.F1
#define switch_rvs PORTB.F0

void main()
//set I/O port
   TRISB = 0XFF;
   TRISD = 0X00;
   CMCON=0X07; //      or CMCON register = 0X00000111
   ADCON1=0X07; //     Configure ADCON1, or ADCON1=0X06;

   switch_frwd = 0X00;   //set initial port = 0
   switch_rvs = 0X00;   //set initial port = 0

while (1)
   if(switch_frwd == 1)    //If the switch is pressed
         motor1a  = 0;
         motor1b  = 1;    //Motor Forward
         Delay_ms(30); //1 Second Delay
         motor2a  = 0;
         motor2b  = 1;    //Motor Forward
         Delay_ms(30); //1 Second Delay
   if (switch_rvs == 1)    //If the switch is pressed
         motor1a  = 1;
         motor1b  = 0;    //Motor Reverse
         Delay_ms(30); //1 Second Delay
         motor2a  = 1;
         motor2b  = 0;    //Motor Reverse
         Delay_ms(30); //1 Second Delay
         motor1a  = 0;
         motor1b  = 0;    //Motor Stop
         Delay_ms(30); //1 Second Delay
         motor2a  = 0;
         motor2b  = 0;    //Motor Stop
         Delay_ms(30); //1 Second Delay


Can you give example as your
At a quick look, have you catered for don't care states where both are pressed together.
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