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New Member
Have any of you guys heard of MicroC ??

It suposed to have liberaries to aid the interface of MMC /SD cards

only problem it costs like $200..

But from what i have found out from the help file it has the capability to edit and add to FAT32 /FAT16 files... Sounds like a really good thing if you ask me
Do you mean MikroC?
I have the EasyPIC4 board and love it, however I do not use their IDE nor compiler currently. I used it for a while and they do have a lot of nice prebuilt libraries which handle things like what you mentioned and seem to handle them well. A lot of their sample code uses their library functions so doesn't really show you much how to do things unless you feel like digging around looking in their libraries.
I stopped using their compiler and went back to MPLAB with hi-tech picc as I was used to not using masks to address bits on ports.
I use the free version for 'dabbling'. Recently started using C instead of assembly to speed things up for projects that do not require optimisation (like 8 channel PWM). Works quite nicely and the libraries are handy for testing. I've been meaning to buy it so I can use it for work when they ask for a quick'n'dirty solution to something.

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