Microchip changes its web site too often.

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Coop Build Coordinator
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Am I the only one the feels microchip would server its users better if it changed its web site layout less often. I noticed this years ago when i wrote a tutorial that included downloading microchip software. Change for the sake of change is a waste of our time.
Totally agree..... I hate having to get used to it time and time again.... I find I have to " re " search every time I look for things... The last was for pickit updates... Couln't find it via the interface..

Its easier to search on google,,, let them find the pages...
Even worse today I was downloading the MiWI Workshop and ended up with a .dwg file or soemthing like that. They had put the MAC download where they should have placed the windows download. They swapped them. Another page generated some sort of database error.

IMHO everything but the sales hype should be a easy to use well maintained resource.
Yep, I absolutely hate the Microchip website! :( It's really slow and clunky, full of functionally useless flash and Java marketing crap that only serves to slow you down.

Their navigation system is terrible, and for years now I just use a heap of back doors (ie bookmark a heap of key pages and just go directly there) instead of messing with their stupid slow navigation.

For an example of a fast website without a heap of slow B.S. glitz the Texas Instruments website is a good one, or was the last time I was there. :)
Does Olin still frequent the Microchip forums ? I've not seen or heard from him for ages - I used to love his bluntness !
Does Olin still frequent the Microchip forums ? I've not seen or heard from him for ages - I used to love his bluntness !

I think he was banned long time ago.

Even his posts are hard to search. Sometimes they show up after a search and sometimes not at all.

One of the two best pieces of advice I got at that forum, comes from him.

I admire (envy) people who really KNOWS but I love other things.
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I first came across Olin on the Piclist - there was plenty of interaction between him and newbies.

I'd watch a new users come on, ask a relatively stupid question then wait for Olin to storm in .......

Once you were used to him and your skin thickened a bit, he could be quite amusing.
I find MicroChip's web site is too good and too bad at the same time. In some way it works well and in some ways I just can't get what I need.
Example: I want a list of CPUs that have DMA. I want a list of CPUs that have slave parallel port. Many people don't use DMA or slave ports so it is not in the select tools.
Microchip's site is still usable but the constant changes are annoying. They have always gotten some things right and fallen far behind on others. I will be interested to see how they do once MSP430 has had a few years to mature. They seem to already be branching out more from MCUs into lots of other stuff.
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