Microchip code configurator

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Well-Known Member
Hi All:
I am looking at this:
**broken link removed**
And I am a C noob.

Would it be a good place to start getting into C for PICS?

I would have to say no for a couple of reasons. For one thing, it only works in MPLab X, which in general I don't recommend. Second, it seems very convoluted and it looks like it really won't help you learn C at all, unless you do a lot of digging. Auto-generated code is generally something you'd want to avoid though. Just read through some of the XC8 documentation and look for code examples using google. That's probably your best bet.
I would have to say no for a couple of reasons. For one thing, it only works in MPLab X, which in general I don't recommend.
Just curious. Why don't you recommend MPLAB X? I've just recently started using it after switching over from an obscure development platform, and it's working well for me, so far.
MPLAB X has still several issues that can cause major heartache... I still use MPLAB 8 and will continue to until I'm satisfied all the bugs are out...

Whilst teaching Danny ( my ex coworker ) , we had a real toil trying to get code to work... NOT a teaching environment.. To learn C.... Use XC8 lite and MPLAB 8 ( still available ) only when you get a bit experienced you can move to MPLAB X..

Just my take, but several members here have had similar experiences
Exactly right Ian. MPLabX still has a lot of bugs that need to be worked out, and it's really not a good tool for beginners.

And what instead, Matt?

As Ian mentioned, MPLab 8 is still available. I highly recommend using that for the time being.
Exactly right Ian. MPLabX still has a lot of bugs that need to be worked out, and it's really not a good tool for beginners.

As Ian mentioned, MPLab 8 is still available. I highly recommend using that for the time being.

OK. I still use it.
Ive looked at the code configurator and all it does is what you will have to do anyway:Setup the registers. You can use it for guidance though.
MPLAB X has still several issues that can cause major heartache... I still use MPLAB 8 and will continue to until I'm satisfied all the bugs are out...
Exactly right Ian. MPLabX still has a lot of bugs that need to be worked out, and it's really not a good tool for beginners.


Had been following someone the last day or two who has just started to try and learn C and has downloaded MplabX and XC8 and started to use the examples that come with it, plus some online tutorials.

As he is using the pic18 chips, as I do in assembly, I thought I would try and follow him to get myself into C mode.

Having noted your recent posts and seeing that he seems to be so far running ok I wondered what kind of problems is he likely to encounter ? build errors, library errors ?

Could you just give a brief summary of the typical major faults we are likely to see.

Perhaps once he understands XC8 than he might be better placed to run it on the Old Mplab as suggested.

One thing that I know happens is.. if you open multiple projects and you compile one then the other... there seems to be a problem linking the correct files to the right project... Also if copy and paste within a file, it needs saving before you reboot MPLAB X, then the parser can see the changes in the file ( purely down to the editor)..

There are many other little niggles..... I can work around these little niggles, but a newbie won't know what the hell to do.

Thanks, will see if we can migrate across.

Would leave a 'thanks' ' likes' but cannot see how on the new style layout , nothing I point at seems to open that window ?
Can see a Likes/List bar for where they have already been left in other posts, but nothing to start one here ??
All the responses are under the "Quote" button...

I do use MPLAB X but I prefer the old format...


  • Capture.jpg
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Thought I had seen those icons before, but no, nothing below any quote box now.

Ah !!. they were being suppressed by ABP ad blocker !

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