Microchip inductive touch sensor spacer

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New Member
I have been looking at the Microchip inductive touch sensor information on their web site and am a little confused about the spacer.

The thickness of the spacer layer should be about 1-3% of the diameter of the coil. Thus with a 0.75" diameter coil, the spacer should be no thicker than about 0.025" which is quite thin. I would rather have 0.5" diameter buttons, but the spacer would need to be even thinner.

One material suggested is resin bonded paper. How do I drill or punch this for a clean hole? FR2 and FR4 and some plastics are also permissible, but I don't know how to accurately "install" the holes and where to find thin material. Am I on track or off-base somewhere? Do I need to look into a laser cutter and would it produce a clean edge?

I would like to use a small polycarbonate box which means I will also need a conductive target. Where would I get adhesive-backed target material?

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