Microchip released a New version of Pickit2 software Ver2.6

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Because I was wondering what is changed I thought maybe more people are interested on this info.

This is from their release doc

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I wonder if this release will suffer the same problem as the last one. When I got the last one it was a version ahead of MPLAB and so when I switched between the two it always downloaded the Operating System. The problem fixed itself once the new version of MPLAB was released.

MPLAB also new version is there!
Ver8.20 with Pickit3 incorporated.
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btw, how do we set a bit high or low as input while using MPLAB simulator?

You have to create a stimulus workbook. Either it is to complex or I am too lazy to detail here. Read the help and ask question if you get stuck. Maybe in a new thread.
You have to create a stimulus workbook. Either it is to complex or I am too lazy to detail here. Read the help and ask question if you get stuck. Maybe in a new thread.
Thanks for the direction 3v0 ! I shall manage the rest.
Thanks for the info on the update. I usually check every once and a while for new appnotes and stuff. Maybe there should be a sticky for when every microchip and other companies have a update available.
just to note that with pickit2 v2.6 and mplab ide 8.20 many uC's (24FJ64GA002 for example) are no longer beta supported with pickit2 (yellow dot for programming & debugging) but "fully" supported (green dot)... I used to had problems (every few times it fails to program 24FJ64GA002, every few times it misses the breakpoint while debugging .. etc.. - all this solved now) .. be sure to upgrade firmware in your pickit2 when you upgrade to 2.6 and 8.20

the mplab ide looks the same (boring non intuitive win3.0 like), the only thing I noted is pickit3 compatibility, and bug fixes.
Thanks for the info on the update. I usually check every once and a while for new appnotes and stuff. Maybe there should be a sticky for when every microchip and other companies have a update available.

very correct . but there appears some problem as per the post in the forum copt attached here under Quote

"[/I][/B]There seems to be a problem with the website updating. The new version can be downloaded directly from these links:

PICkit 2 V2.60 Install

PICkit 2 V2.60 Install with .NET Framework
I have not put the hyperlinks here
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