Wireless or wired???? - not sure why you ask this concidering the question and diagram.
Just curious about whether or not there is user interface for controlling brightness.
Classic circuit to do current control, a V to I converter (non PWM, Vset would be on
chip DAC, could use S/H for multi channel approach) -
Better would be PWM and use a sampling R (shunt) in string to measure peak
current to calculate the avg current and adjust as necessary.
This is single chip approach 4 strings shown, could expand to 8 easily. Many other onchip
resources available for other tasks. See right hand window for resources used/left. Could add
a button(s) to use to control individual string brightness ( current ).
Basically current is measured by SAR of 2 ohm R in emitter of NPN and PWM duty cycle adjusted to
control average current in string. Button could be mechanical or Capsense (onchip capability).
Other onchip resources -
Regards, Dana.