Microcontroller and software substitute for MPLAB IDE

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Souper man

MPLAB IDE refueses to work, so I need a programmer and software.
I am using a 16F877A.
I saw this one and wondered if this would work:
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Do you have a suggestion that will help my situation? If not, please dont SAY ANYTHING
You might try to offer some more detail about the problem before you go about throwing stones and yelling at me. I meant to suggest that you are overlooking something obvious, and my helpful suggestion is that you go back and examine all of the steps and decisions that you have made to see if there is something you missed.

I was telling you in a non-judgemental and positive way that IMHO the chances were very good that something has been overlooked. If you choose to interpret my suggestion in a negative way, then that is most assuredly your problem and not mine.

If you still are of a mind to take umbrage then complain to the moderators or keep your peace.
If you still have MPLAB installed you can run
C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPASM Suite\MPASMWIN.exe
without using the IDE.
What error messages or problems are you getting from MPLAB?
I am getting the following error:
Error 1904. Module c:\programfiles\microchip\MPLABIDE\---\checksum.dll failed to register HERESULT 2147220473 contact your support personnel

where the --- is, that would be part of the programming language. It would display every programming language except for CCS compiler

how can I write programs in MPASMWIN?
In the following directory;
C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPASM Suite\Template\Code
You will find the file;
This is a template file that you can edit with notepad or whatever to create your PIC program. Look, but don't edit it yet, because it will assemble perfectly as it is. It makes a good starting point for any project.
Copy it to a short path directory like this one;
And then run;
C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPASM Suite\MPASMWIN.exe
And browse to the source file name;
Then click on assemble. This should create a file called f877atemp.HEX in the C:\mplab\project1 folder which can be loaded by the PIC programmer software of your choice into a 16F877A PIC.
So is it your position that MPLAB does not seem to support the CCS compiler although you think it should? Checksum.dll sounds like the sort of thing that could have multiple explanations. The most charitable explanation would be a corrupted .dll, but whose .dll Can you establish weather it belongs to MPLAB or the compiler. Of course your copy of the compiler is a legitimate one - right?
The following is a bit blunt, but to the point. So keep you cool and understand what I am saying.

How to solve your problem???

Given that 1000's of people use MPLAB with both MPASM suite and the CCS compiler the problem has to be with you or your computer.

What version of windows are you running, how fast and how much memory. Have you downloaded a bunch of programs off the net. Is your computer corrupted. Too many variables to work through here.... could generate a lot of posts and run for weeks.

Instead take a computer to do a clean install of Windows (win98 or better) and then MPLAB. If all works then the problem is/was with your computer. If not the problem is operator error.

I run MPLAB on an iffy old 600 MHz laptop. I busted my head trying to figure out the MPLAB problems I was having. A clean install of XP fixed the problem.

If you would stick with the same thread people could look back and see the entire story. Do not dump on PapaBravo for not knowing it. We are trying to help.
Hi Souperman
Look at the attached gif, its part of the MPLAB wizard, you must use the browse button to find and point to the MPAsmWin.exe file, else you will have problems.

Post a picture of this page of the wizard, lets see what you have.

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trying to re-install XP is not feseable.

I tried Erics way, and I found the file, but It still said I diddnt have access to it,and is marked with a red X. it wasnt marked with a red X, but It still wouldnt let me continue.

All I did was go to microchips website, download the 7.6, click complete (the one with the most disk space) version, downloaded it and that was it. I then tried to open MPASM, and it wouldnt let me, hence the red X. I did nothing to change it, or mess it up.

Like this thread suggested, please give me alternitive software, because I am done with MPLAB
Either your XP is a mess or you don't have admin rights.

Why can't you reinstall XP, I do it about once a year as XP gets screwy.

And it's not just MPLAB, you don't seem to be able to get even PICProg running. So it's doubtful you'll be able to get any other programmer software running.
I guess so.

I could go over to a friends house or my neighbors house and try it. If theirs works, its not operator error

Also, I could use my High school's programmer and software, they use the same chip as I do

I watched this about 5 times until I felt better, also my circuit for Farfalle is alive and working!

Its pretty, uh... yeah. just watch it.

I also have to clear and re-install XP Pro and SP1/2 about once a year.

Since I upgraded MPLAB IDE to the v7.6 version I get a blank screen for 2 to 3seconds at the end of a 'Build All'. This only happens when I have edited part the source code, not when I use 'Build All' without editing.
It will be interesting to see if this problem disappears after a reinstall.

It dosn't happen on my my older 1GHz PC?
if you're not willing to reinstall xp on your computer, how about a virtual machine instead?

it's pretty straight forward, and it'll give you a clean enviroment to fart around in, without messing with your computer that you can't touch. you'll need admin rights on the computer to make it install correctly, but after that regular rights are ok.

1) goto www.vmware.com and download + install VMWare Player
2) goto www.easyvmx.com and use the super easy wizard to create an empty virtual machine for you.
3) after downloading and unzipping the file from easyvmx, put your windows xp (or 2000 or 98) cd in your cd drive, and double click the .vmx file
4) VMWare Player will open up, and proceed to boot from your windows cd. follow the instructions for installing windows.
5) Now you'll have a clean copy of windows, running in a window. Download mplab from microchip, and see what happens.

You're not going to be able to use a low level programmer from inside your virtual machine, since they are timing critical. however, a high level programmer like the ICD2 or anything USB will work. However, this exercise will help you get mplab running. If it works, then you know your windows is hosed, and needs to be reinstalled.

couple of side notes:

www.easyvmx.com appears to be down at the time this was written, hopefully it will be back up soon

installing a 'virtual' copy of windows on a computer already running windows is not permitted by the All Powerful Microsoft, so you run the risk of having the Thought Police bust down your door and haul you off to some godless island should you decide to install it.

edit: it seems easyvmx may have been shut down, so as not to provide outdated information, here's a site with links to other sources for building vmx files:

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ericgibbs said:
I also have to clear and re-install XP Pro and SP1/2 about once a year.

You should learn how to slipstream service pack 2 on to an XP CD. Then when you reinstall it'll have the service packs already preinstalled.

I run MPLAB on a 1.7GHz laptop and it's fine. Nothing unusual.
blueroomelectronics said:
You should learn how to slipstream service pack 2 on to an XP CD. Then when you reinstall it'll have the service packs already preinstalled.

I run MPLAB on a 1.7GHz laptop and it's fine. Nothing unusual.

I'll make that my next rainy day job.
Do you have any links to the slipstream method?

MPLAB IDE previous version worked OK on my 2.6GHz PC, before the v7.6 upgrade.
The assembler works fine, its the 2 sec black screen flash which irritates.
ericgibbs said:
I'll make that my next rainy day job.
Do you have any links to the slipstream method?

Just google for it, there's LOT'S of information out there, here's one of them:
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