Microcontroller Dilema!

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Im in a bit of a situation here. Im doing my project and I had been relying on working with AT89C51ED2 microcontroller from Atmel.

Its has 64K ROM with UART. It was very simple to program with the serial port. I used the "Flip" software by ATMEL to downwload the HEX file onto the chip.

Recrently, my last AT89C51ED2 IC got damaged and now I find that the DIP40 package has been discontinued everywhere.

Can some one help me find a suitable substitute (DIP40) for this chip for me please? How would I program this substitute (with which software on the computer)? It also has to have 64K ROM.

Any help appreciated.

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Soldering a 44 pin QFP isn't hard. YOu can just drag it with your soldering iron. Are you able to get a SMD-to-40 DIP adaptor? YOu could just solder it on...no guarantees the pinout is going to be the same though unless the DIP adaptor is specially made.
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