Microcontroller IC Verification

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Is there anyway to verify the Microcontroller IC is damaged or working in some simple way, ofcourse without using some fancy IC tester and so on and also not with loading some program.

I basically tried to make a ISP programming cable for my AT89S52 microcontroller but that doesn't download anything. i just want to make sure if my IC is working or not.

Thanks in Advance!
No, I think there is no way other than the 2 which you have specified,
1) IC tester
2) Burn any simple program (like LED flashing)

I always use the second method.

thanks for your reply,

but if you read my previous post, i m trying to make the ISP programmer cable only (to program microcontroller). so i don't have anything else to program my microcontroller to verify it.

how about you? what do you use to burn your microcontroller? purchased ISP programmer from ATMEL? or some where else? or you have build yourself?

I m looking for some inexpensive & usable solution, i tried to get it in local market but didn't get any success.
I am using ISP cable for programming.

I am using parallel port (LPT port) for ISP programming.

see the attached PDF file for more details about the ISP programming cable.


  • aec_isp.pdf
    28.2 KB · Views: 487

I have just gone thru the PDF you have attached,

but what is strange in this PDF is, its no where mentioned in the document that the ISP cable uses any resistors or ICs (basically 74HC541 or 74LS, for buffer) between PCs parallel port & Microcontroller ISP port.

My question is, Does that really works that way? i mean just to connect the 6,7,8 PIN of microcontroller directly to the 7,8,10 PIN of PC's Parallel port (without any resitstor,IC, or any other component) and reset PIN has one 1.5k resistor in between (as shown in the PDF).

At the moment i had an impression that one IC (for buffer) is required and some resistors are also required in between.

I m trying to build circuit specified at the page on the link below.
ATMEL ISP Programmer Module
all the best...

1 thing, after you program the IC, remove the ISP cable from the circuit and then operate the circuit.

I mean, circuit will not work if the ISP cable is still connected to the circuit. (I have experienced this)
Hey Rushi,

I tried that (AEC-ISP) today, it didn't worked :-(.

I have also tried the software mentioned on this page ISP Programmer that didn't work too. this tool is good and open source and it can be configured for different cable configurations but i think i have issue with my cable or controller.

I have ordered another ICs that will come soon. but can you post the picture of the cable you are using? if circuit is there that would be great. then i can compare it with my circuit and see what's wrong.

further more i m using PC with WinXP is there any special settings need to be done for Parallel port? what settings u have in your computer? i have my LPT1 port configured as ECP type (and i don't even know what it means, never used the parallel port before you know!).

Thanks in advance!
it should definitely work..

software I used is different than that you have used
I have attached the software here (AEC_ISP.exe)

picture of the cable I am using.... ok, I will post in 1 or 2 days....

This software works on WinXP.... No any special settings needed for Parallel port
I use LPT1 port...


    44.3 KB · Views: 295
First i have tried with AEC_ISP.exe only, but that didn't worked so then i have downloaded the another software in hope that if i get source code, may be i can debug and see what's going wrong in software (i can do that very well, as i m a software engineer ). but you see my bad luck, that software is written in pascal and that is the only language i have never used in my life.
Hello Rushi,

Finally i managed to program it.
the problem was with my breadboard. some of the pins in my breadboard were not connected . (that definitely says to me that, "Welcome to the world of electronics!" ..

Anyway, Thanks man.... Really Appreciate your help...
hey, congrats...

now don't stop.... start with basic tutorial like:
LED flashing, 7 segment display, LCD
Stepper motor, serial communication,
ADC, Simple keypad, Matrix keypad, EEPROM

hello hi ,
i am also tried AEC_ISP but it is not working when i am connecting controller to the system and programming the controller it just saying flash error can any one tell me what will. be the problem is
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