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actually i wish to make a project on security cameras...
i am going to use microcontroller(type not known) , camera (type not known) and else.
i am computer student.... don't know Electronics deeply.
Can anyone help me on this topic...?

thank you

What exactly do you wan't to do?
Be more specific, and submit what you've already done and any ideas you have.

There are many CCTV security cameras in market, but for that you have to keep your computer ON for 24 hours to record. My idea is to make a device (not exactly a device but a circuit) that can record the whole scene (without using pc) & store it in external storage (that can be connected to pc later on to get video playback). The device should build with internal automatic rechargeable batteries to keep device working even though main power supply is off. We can add microphone for Voice recording.
Do you have any idea how to build this project?
I don't really have an idea of how to make this, no, but I can tell you that if you haven't done a lot of work with microcontrollers before, it's a really big project. If you want to record video and sound, that actually reguires quite a lot of bandwidth, and really isn't a beginners project.

You could use an MCU running a small linux distro to record the data onto a harddrive, and then dump it to a host pc when requested I guess.
Or you could just use an embedded PC, this is probably easier for you if you're a computer student..

Maybe something like this: https://www.linuxdevices.com/news/NS6372429785.html
You could buy a PVR and connect it to the video camera and a microphone (Via a preamp). Use a UPS for power failure backup.
Thanks for your advise!
i am still working on this project......& i have one day remain to submit my final report (synopsis)........or i can change my project.....
lets see...........is it possible for me or not ?
do you have any Project idea !
so i can choose it......... i am not going to take & present it ready made; but i will change it in my own way... some more ideas.......will try to add some new fandas..
the project should be based on
*c language
*web designing
A microcontroller based security camera project is possible:

**broken link removed**

BUT it uses a specific cmos camera module that includes a hardware JPEG compression chip to do a lot of the image processing work.

Another option would be to modify a still camera that has a remote control to make it take photos when movement is detected:
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one of my friend (not exactly a friend) made a one device say multimedia device.....
he can listen mp3's, see video, take a picture by 2.2 mgp camera, record video for 30 min.
device is with 1 GB inbuilt memory, he used micro controller in it (i don't no type) , can connect hard disk to it Upton 80 GB.,also connected external battery..
he told me that whole thing is made by him, he buy the components (like microcontroller , camera , display, sound, some extra slots & built such a circuit.)
i think so ......all components are seems to be placed on USB card reader pcb, i am not sure but it looks like this.............(see attachment)

can you tell me how is it so...........?


  • circuit.JPG
    29 KB · Views: 192

Ask him. After all if he built it he should know how he did it.
i told you, he is not exactly a friend, i never saw him again after that day......
if anyone have any idea how he built it so plz suggest..........
actually i wish to make a project on security cameras...
i am going to use microcontroller(type not known) , camera (type not known) and else.
i am computer student.... don't know Electronics deeply.
Can anyone help me on this topic...?

Why don't you flash a LED or control a character LCD first?

Here is an idea: buy several cheap 5MP last season digital camera models and 4G/8G storage card. Don't buy extended warranty. Then see if you can control the buttons via FETs. If camera is not working anymore, take the next one and continue experimenting until succesful.

If you can control buttons by energizing FETs from micro, you are in business. All digital cameras have video mode these days. Everything you need is built-in, battery operated camera, storage, optics ... If it has good compression on static scenes, you might be able to keep triggering the 30sec videos all day long. Then you plug the PC and flush all files in for processing. You might need external battery and regulator to operate for 24/7.

And don't forget to add infrared lighting, you may get nice shots of raccoons going through your garbage bins
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i think so ......all components are seems to be placed on USB card reader pcb, i am not sure but it looks like this.............(see attachment)
can you tell me how is it so...........?
I'm afraid you are out of luck. They no longer make the "Any Kind of IC". It has been obsoleted and replaced by the Z80.
You could ...
... reprogram a cellphone ( I am waiting for someone to flash their own firmware on one of these ARM machines, imagine, mcu,colour lcd, speaker, microphone, keypad etc)
... create an application for the Nokia S60 series phones - very doable, record in mp4 format in a lower res, upto 8gb drives are currently available.
... **broken link removed** ( we'd want to be confident enough as this guy, someday )
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