Micromouse's Materials

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New Member
Hello all,

I am currently designing this micromouse, and i would like to ask a few things.

1. What types of material do you guys use for the chasis?

2. What material is for the wheels as well as the traction?

All comments and feedbacks are appreciated.

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This website seems to have some nice info about Micromice.
DO a search for Micromouse in your favorite search engine and lots of info is available.
hanselkoh said:
Hello all,

I am currently designing this micromouse, and i would like to ask a few things.

1. What types of material do you guys use for the chasis?

Anything ranging from PCB to alluminium. There are some cool stuff u can get from rapid electronics which is a perferated metal sheet which allows stuff to be bolted to it, great for ur first bot.

here is my mouse using it

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This mouse has retired due to ill health, new one is on its way now

2. What material is for the wheels as well as the traction?

All comments and feedbacks are appreciated.


Humm, wheels, rubber is good, eleastic bands? lol, anything goes for ur first mouse![/img]

Basicly you want to have as much surface area for the wheels as possible and have a extremly light frame.

I use aircraft aluminum for my light wieght robots.
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