When you say "with a frequency between 100MHz and 3500MHz" do you mean to say that it will operate on one frequency anywhere in that range, or do you mean that it must be adjustable to any frequency in that range? If the former, then use the example circuit as-is at 110 MHz. If the latter, then you are facing a considerably more difficult problem. It is very difficult to make a signal source that can be set anywhere in such a wide range, and I don't believe it can be done with a single oscillator circuit such as you show in your example. In the distant past, when faced with such a requirement, the most common approach was to have a number of tank circuits available that can be connected, one at a time, into the circuit using a switch. Such an approach becomes problematic above 500MHz or so because the parasitic reactance of switching circuits starts to dominate the oscillation frequency. Indeed, this assumes you can find a suitable transistor which is also non-trivial. You need a transistor that has sufficient gain at 3.5 GHz to allow oscillation, so something considerably more exotic than a 2N2222, for example. A transistor with good gain at 3.5 GHz may have too much gain below 1GHz making it difficult to maintain steady oscillation without spurious behavior and instability.
The most bullet-proof way to achieve this will require an architecture containing many more circuits than a single oscillator. For example, it might include a synthesizer controlling one or more microwave VCOs (switched one at a time) followed by sufficient translation, multiplication and division to move the VCO output into a band within your desired range. This is pretty advanced stuff.
If you are not experienced with RF and microwave design, you might be better off trying to get an oscillator that puts out the range between 100MHz and 200 MHz rather than 3500 MHz. Another alternative might be to try building individual oscillators for the following bands: 100 to 200MHz, 200 to 400MHz, 400 to 700 Mhz, 700 to 1200 MHz, 1200 to 2000 MHz, 2000 to 2600 MHz and 2600 to 3500 MHz and build each with its own separate output connector.
Another approach, if output level and fidelity are not very important, might be to build an oscillator that can be tuned from 100MHz to 200MHz and follow that with a frequency multiplier circuit to switch in various multipliers. It is practical to use a doubler to change the 100-200 MHz output into a 200-400MHz output. It is also practical to implement a tripler to take 100-200 and change it to 300-600MHz. This idea can be pushed as high as x5 with very astute choices of multiplier circuits, which ultimately will get you up to 1000MHz. Multipliers are, in theory, simple circuits. They usually consist of a non-linear device to generate harmonics, followed by a filter to select the harmonic of interest. The non-linear device could be a diode. The most common multiplier that I have seen is a transistor amplifier (common emitter) with a tuned output (using a tank circuit), that is biased to operate class B or C in order to operate non-linearly and with the collector tank tuned to the harmonic of interest. If you successfully built such a multiplier system, you would also have to figure out how to switch various multipliers in and out of circuit to give you the flexibility of tuning anywhere in your target range.