mikroC demo version limits

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New Member
I may have to switch back to Windows for PIC control development for PIC18F2620 and make sure that I don't wire up the programmer headers incorrectly (or it will freeze again). I'm planning on going with the demo version on https://www.mikroe.com/en/compilers/mikroc/pic/download.htm. There's a limit on the hex file for the program word being 2k. So how many commands/complex my control code can it be before I exceed the program memory limit for the demo version?
Don't know about mikroC, but using Basic with a datalogger project will probably put you at the limit. In my case, multiple 1-wire temp sensors, I2C eeprom and RTC, and a Uart for serial LCD.
I'm planning to program in C for a datalogger project, which I guess would likely put me over the limit. I'm also relooking into using MPLAB, but unsure what's the limit on the student version of the C18 compiler.
You probably would be safe if you instead used an internal timer and a PC for display purposes, it really depends on your requirements.
I would most likely have an LCD connected to it for display purposes when needed, so I would likely be over the limit with my guesses.
Using MikroC

I'm from Serbia from where the MikroC is. I have tried it and the demo version is very limited. I have tried to do some GLCD programing but the generated code for only a one string conversion from float number were exceeded the demo limit. I'm using now CSS C which is very good and I'm satisfied with it. I would advise you to try it if you want a very optimised code.
Best regards Otto
ssylee said:
I'm planning to program in C for a datalogger project, which I guess would likely put me over the limit. I'm also relooking into using MPLAB, but unsure what's the limit on the student version of the C18 compiler.
There is no size limitations in C18 compiler. Code compiled after 60 days won't be optimized (=bigger) but as long as the program memory of your PIC is large enough you'll have a fully functional hex file.
Probably another dumb question: how much bigger would it be (in terms of percentage) typically for non-optimized version of the hex file. PIC18F2620 has 32,000 words of program memory available.
Obviously it depends on the particular program, but I wouldn't worry about it, you have a HUGE amount of space available, and it's only slightly larger.
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