Appreciate the comments...working on it right now...
The temperature sensor is rated at 4 mA
Glad to see you notice that. I looked long and hard to find out how much current the Alert pin (which is open drain and with programmable polarity) could sink. I too saw the testing specs at 4mA and figured...well I know it can do that...and I actually worked on the programming using a pulup resistor and LED connected directly to the alert pin so I could see the behavior of that pin.
As for the 'regulated', well I put that in the schematic because I am using a 12V lab bench supply, which is regulated. I suppose I would use a larger value for C1 if the 12V PS was 'less' regulated.
I also thought about using a zener with a 390 Ohm, 1/2W resistor for the 5V source to the chip. It draws so little.... I did some homework on the issue because I have often read that zeners as regulators can be problematic. After a good deal of reading (like
here), I was all set to use one but changed my mind because 5V regs are so cheap and easy, I couldn't see how a zener would be 'simpler'.
The sensor is nice. When it powers up, it will use NVM stored values for high and low temperature registers. You can write them programmatically with or without writing them to NV memory. Up to 12 bit resolution for temperature (programable 9-12 bits with conversion time shorter at lower resolution). Also with shutdown mode and interrupt (or comparator) mode. It also uses a fault, for eample, if you have it set for an alert when the temp reaches a low limit (IOW to turn on the heat), you can program it so it takes not 1 'read at/exceeding limit' but 2, 4 or 6 such 'triggers'. I have it set to 2, ostensibly to avoid any noise.
You can specifically write to NV memory, but with a single command you can write current values for High/Low and configuration registers to NV memory.
You can also lock out changes, using a software lock and even a hardware lock. The latter prevents making changes to NV memory...ever again.
Although I am playing with it as a simple thermostat for a heater, I can easily see how it could be a valuable general thermal shutdown device as well.