Minor bug with Profile page access

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Super Moderator
Hi EM and anyone else who reads this.

I've noticed over the past week or so that when I click on the "My Account" drop-down menu, the profile settings link is blocked by the page numbers. I realize I didn't describe this very well, so I've included a screenshot so you can see what is actually happening. I just wanted to point this out. Thanks!

Kind regards,
Der Strom

View attachment 64050
Are you able to increase your resolution a bit? My resolution is pretty high and I don't experience that problem
View attachment 64058

Ahh, I know what the problem is!

I recently installed adblock on my computer, so the ad at the top of the page that provides the extra space is no longer there. I guess everything compresses, since it now has the space.

So I guess it's my fault entirely

Thanks guys!
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