mircontroller PIC18F452 (easy task but need help with code)

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New Member
On program start up, LCD displays the following message on the 1st line.
“I am __(name of programmer)__”
The message should be repeatedly cleared off and redisplayed until the push button
S3 (at RB0) is pressed (to show stationary display).
And the following message will be displayed on the 2nd line of LCD.
“LCD is used to display data”.
On the next pressing of S3, LCD should alternately display (on the 2nd line) the
following messages, each for one second.
“Temperature”, “Humidity”,
On the next pressing, return to start up.

a) Produce a “beep sound” when a character is written out.
b) Create the messaging as “moving messages” to appear from the right most pixel and
then moving to the leftmost pixel.
“I am __(name of programmer)__”

“LCD is used to display data”.

“Temperature”, “Humidity”,

I need C codes to work all this out on MPLAB IDE
“I am __(name of programmer)__”

“LCD is used to display data”.

“Temperature”, “Humidity”,

I need C codes to work all this out on MPLAB IDE
You should get started hammering out some code then. It isn't going to write itself.
You should get started hammering out some code then. It isn't going to write itself.

Yea, I'm waiting for the new 'D' language to come out. You speak into a microphone and say "do stuff" and it spits out the proper error free code.

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