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Well-Known Member
Bye bye lovely Cornwall, hello Warwickshire! It's all hard slog, packing, packing, packing, packing, then some more packing when you think you've nearly finished and there's even more stuff you keep finding to pack - it just seems to ooze out of the walls! Then of course all those boxes have to be shifted onto the van - 2 loads because I can't drive a 7.5 ton one, then the (nearly) 600 mile round trip, twice. It makes me knackered just thinking about it. Then we have the prospect of having to sort out a mouldy house, damaged bricks and goodness knows what other horrors. At least I get back my shed to hide in. It's in a better state than the house...
Not far enough up!!! Northerners are Stoke +.... Warwickshire is still south...
Our last move was about that distance. It nearly killed us.

I made about 3 trips with a car trailer with 4 foot sides added. Happened to stumble upon a van body truck. Two more trips finished it. Too much stuff.

The truck still has some stuff stored in it. Go figure.

We had to store stuff in the loft here because there isn't room, it's sat there unopened in it's boxes for the last 2 years, and now we are moving the same boxes back to the same house we moved out of, where we will finally unpack them (once the mould is fixed) and put the stuff (mainly books) away on shelves. Still figuring...
I now feel obliged to mention from I'm Yorkshire originally, so don't tell /me/ about North adn South!
I'm a bit of a rogue myself.... I'm not even a northerner.... I'm from Corby in Northants.....

But I've been up here for decades..
I used to work in Corby Ian - back in the days of Tandy.

Rob - you're up near me now (ish). I know what you mean about the distance - my wife comes from Cornwall and I used to drive down at the weekends when I was dating her (almost a 600 mile round trip). Fortunately her dad was a lorry driver and borrowed a large lorry to move her stuff up.

Hope you settle down well - if I never move again it will be too soon ......
Phew! Ok moved now. That was hard slog. Two round trips with a luton van full of stuff, then a final car journey with a car overloaded with the stuff we sort of overlooked when packing and loading the van - nearly 1500 miles altogether, but with stops to do hard work every 300 miles! Awful van - new but not nice, and very thirsty. We've moved far too many times in the last few years, and that was definitely the worst and final one. Back to work tomorrow - so lucky to have a portable job - just need to learn to find my way around the Midlands...

Wife told me to say no if she wants to move again. Thank goodness for that...

And what job is that?

BTW good to hear this is the last move.
I know the feeling. I just moved from Vermont to Massachusetts for my job. Though it's not permanent, it still required a lot of packing and moving and stressing and so on

Hope things work out well for you! Let us know when you're all settled in

Best wishes,
And what job is that?

I'm a market researcher - I knock on people's doors and ask them to do an interview (bottom of the M/R food chain). Sometimes I pester them in shops and at heritage sites too. But I'd rather be fixing stuff...

Can't wait to get all my shed stuff unpacked and get tinkering. Unfortunately there are more important things like getting the living room liveable, the bedroom sleepable etc etc...
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