moc3051 vs PC817 opto-isolaters

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Well-Known Member
I need a moc3051 but, I can only find a PC817 or related in LTspice, I need a non-zero cross.

My question is can I drive a Triac in my simulation with the Transistor I'm using 2n222 to drive moc3051.


hi kv,
This zip has the 4N27 and 4N35 opto coupler data for LTSpice, also a example asc file.
The 4N35 is close enough to stand in for a MOC3051.
The 4N35h ,hierarchical is included, so you can modify that to Sim a MOC3051 if required.



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hi kv,
This zip has the 4N27 and 4N35 opto coupler data for LTSpice, also a example asc file.
The 4N35 is close enough to stand in for a MOC3051.
The 4N35h ,hierarchical is included, so you can modify that to Sim a MOC3051 if required.


I think I can Modify the 4n35h, I had a circuit designed about 30 years ago, it could detect water and run a Triac to power motors, buzzers, light etc. But while it was designed to do that it also had resistor circuits that would run IR detector that would sense when a device needed cleaning, lint etc. In this case I would like to put a Photo detector circuit in to turn on and off the 2n222 and run the Triac.

Thanks for the help @erigibbs, your alway's a big help.


Edit: Oh, yeah. BTW I started a Thread "Smoker Circuit Design" on AAC but am thinking of doing one hear as I go along. I need the Photodetectors on the Vent Stack.
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Found this one the in the forum that would closely match what I'm doing, maybe I can modify this one.



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hi kv,
I guess you have the *.lib files for the snubber, triac and lamp models.?
I do no not have those models.

I'm not sure if they are in here, but you helped someone in another Thread sometime ago and he put a few files in this zipped folder. I'm still learning LTspice, and not sure what you need.

Thanks for the help.



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hi kv,
I downloaded your zip and extracted the files you need to RUN dimmer6.asc [ also in the zip]

For now keep all the unzipped files in the same folder



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