Modding 10W into 100W Amp, help...

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New Member
Hello, I'm new to this forum so appologies if this is in the wrong section...

I have a 10Watt guitar amp, well it is a combo actualy (has the speaker in the same box). But, I want to use as many parts from the 10W as I can to make an amplifier for use with a cabinet. If you don't know what a cabinet is, it is the speaker the amplifier plugs into.

So, can you instruct me on this, I'd prefer not to do my own PCB etching (perhaps use the old amplifier parts). I'm aware I'd need a heatsink as the other one (if any) probably is'nt very good...

You throw everything away and start from scratch - there's really nothing of any use for a 100W amplifier - and what there is, is only the small cheap bits. Keep your practice amp for practicing, and build a complete new one.
practice amp = P.O.S...

i guess i can only dream, or just buy one. im prety sure anything i'd build would catch on fire
I think you should throw away the original "10W" speaker too. It might catch on fire with the output of a 100W amplifier.
Then the new speaker needs a new cabinet that matches its spec's.
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